Dept Management

Key takeaways Chapter 13 bankruptcy creates a payment plan to pay down — then eliminate — your debts. People with steady income and personal property they want to keep may benefit more from Chapter 13 than with Chapter 7. Because it has a major impact on your credit, Chapter 13…

Key takeaways Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy are common options for individuals with unmanageable debt. Bankruptcy should only be considered as a last resort after credit counseling. Alternatives may not be accessible, so consult a lawyer to determine if bankruptcy is the best route for you. Bankruptcy is designed…

Members of Generation Z (Gen Z) are the latest cohort of credit users. They range from teenagers just beginning to think about credit cards, to students taking out their first loans, to older young adults with homeownership on their minds. For many Zoomers, the world of credit is still new.…

A lot of people may find themselves up at night worried about how they’re going to pay their debts. If you’re one of them, you might be trying to figure out how to get out of debt as quickly as possible. Not all debt is bad. If your debt increases…

Key takeaways Debt forgiveness is a process where a creditor pardons a debtor from part or all of their outstanding debt. Various types of debt may qualify for forgiveness. Debt forgiveness can offer relief from overwhelming financial burdens, but it does have downsides. There are alternative options for managing debt.…

Key takeaways Debt consolidation puts multiple debts into a single account to make your payments easier. Debt consolidation can lower your credit score temporarily, but your score will improve if you make payments on time. Other tools like debt management plans and bankruptcy can help you manage debt. You’re not…

Debt can come from anywhere and can happen to anyone. Juggling multiple debt payments and relying on credit cards can feel like a seemingly endless circle of payments and interest. It can also be a part of a cycle that spans generations. The generational debt cycle is a pervasive one.…

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about being in debt, you’re not alone. Many people who have debt report feeling stressed about their financial situation and their payments. On top of that, others report feeling unfairly judged for being in debt, even when debt can be a good thing or happen to…

Key takeaways If you’re not happy with your credit card’s interest rate, try to negotiate with your card issuer. Do your research on your account’s history and terms, as well as competing card offers, so that you can make an informed argument. Improving your credit score tends to be an…