Exercise is crucial for longevity, but fitness priorities change as you age through your 30s and 40s.A personal trainer said training for your age can help maintain a healthy, active life over decades.Strength training is the foundation of healthy aging, along with stability, recovery, and cardio.Stop putting off fitness for…
I had kids in my 20s, 30s and 40s. While my body took longer to recover the older I got, I also learned to enjoy little things more. I’ve learned that there is no “right” age for when to have kids. Parenting is one of those experiences that somehow gets…
I had my first child when I was 24 and raised her as a single mom. I met my now-husband when my daughter was 14, and I was 41. We adopted two boys at the age of 3 and 2, and despite knowing more, it was still hard. I had…
Tiya Gordon worked in design before she pivoted to cofounded It’s Electric, a climate tech startup.Gordon launched the company in 2022 after struggling to find an accessible EV charger in Brooklyn.She shared how they raised $11 million in grants and investment from prominent investors like Uber.This as-told-to essay is based…
My mom had two kids in her early 20s. She decided to test the waters about having another kid in her 40s and brought our niece over. My mom ended up not having a third child, and I feel a little bit guilty about it. My mother had my brother…
I thought I was done having kids when I had two, which included challenging C-sections. I was in a new relationship with someone who wanted kids, so I reexamined how I felt. I felt more empowered having a kid later in life and have no regrets. I went through a…