Key takeaways Avoid taking out a longer or larger personal loan than you need. This will help you to avoid spending more money on interest than is necessary. Shopping around for the best offer will help you to ensure you get the best rate and the lowest fees. Consider your…
Over the past few years, American consumers have been grappling with the impact of inflation on their wallets. With back-to-school season officially underway, basic classroom necessities have also fallen victim to higher costs over the past few years. Tools and apps like buy now, pay later have increased in popularity…
Anastasiia Shavshyna/Getty Images Key takeaways When you apply for an emergency loan, a lender usually performs a hard credit check to review your credit history and reports, which temporarily lowers your credit score. Making on-time payments on an emergency loan can help improve your credit over time. Receiving an emergency…
eclipse_images/Getty Images Key takeaways A credit-builder loan helps borrowers improve their payment history — and by extension their credit score — by reporting regular, on-time payments to major credit bureaus. Benefits of credit-builder loans include flexible acceptance criteria, the chance to improve your credit and the ability to build savings.…
Key takeaways Ideally, you should refinance a personal loan only if you can secure a lower rate and save money without extending your repayment term. If your credit score has improved since taking out the original loan, you may have a better chance of qualifying for a more favorable rate.…
Andrii Zastrozhnov/GettyImages; Illustration by Hunter Newton/Bankrate Key takeaways Many tax preparation services offer tax refund loans that allow you to get an advance on your money. These loans are typically for a set amount and are offered via check or loaded on a prepaid credit card. Many tax refund loans…
dusanpetkovic/Getty Images Key takeaways American Express offers the most competitive rates, but it’s exclusive to borrowers who are already Amex customers. Discover offers a slightly lower minimum loan amount and longer repayment terms for personal loans. Ultimately, American Express is the better option if you are looking for the most…
Buy now, pay later (BNPL) apps and products quickly jumped on to the consumer lending scene and, within a few years, have become the standard for financing a purchase. American retail and consumer spending habits have arguably changed forever as a result of the recent BNPL boom, as shoppers no…
Nazar Rybak/ Getty Images With around half of Gen Z (ages 18-27) and millennial (ages 28-43) Americans — 51 percent and 55 percent, respectively — using at least one buy now, pay later (BNPL) app, according to Bankrate’s Buy Now, Pay Later Survey, Apple Pay Later was an anticipated addition…
Key takeaways Vacation loans can help pay for a trip’s expenses, but they should only be used if you have a clear plan to pay back the loan on time. Loans used to cover vacation costs offer fixed monthly payments and lower interest rates than a credit card. The proceeds…